“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
~Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lee's beach trip write up.

Lee wrote a cute little summary of their adventure to the beach while I was gone. It's on our family blog but I thought I'd put it here too.

Molly left town over the weekend for a half marathon in Utah and left me at the mercy of our children. Coincidentally, Oregon was experiencing a strange phenomenon that same weekend. The sun was out all over the state! I loaded up the kids and too much gear then headed for Indian Beach, one of our favorite spots along the Oregon Coast. The kids played for hours occupying their time by throwing rocks repeatedly in the tide pools, digging, watching a sea lion that was close to shore, splashing in water that makes you wish you were somewhere else and lounging on the blankets. Like all parents, I was concerned about their intake of health foods to fuel such activities so I fed them a steady diet of peanut butter crackers, doritos, chex mix and fruit snacks washed down with gatorade. Minus getting kids and gear to and from the beach, leaving Cade's favorite shorts drying on some driftwood, forgetting sunscreen near Campbell's elbow resulting in an interesting sunburn, (any credit for all the areas I did get?), Jack's busted lip and resulting "Dad, Jacks bleeding all over the place"scene. I would say the trip was an enormous success. Besides, we were heading to Camp 18 on the way home for some gigantic cinnamon rolls. One bite of the gooey center and all they will remember is that dad took them to the beach and had a perfect day. Come home soon mommy, we miss you!

Check out my Slide Show!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Friday night at the park.......

I have to cherish the days they still like each other....ha, ha
My little man........
Ahhhh, the slide monster........ I tried this too, I thought I would throw up!
Thanks, Owen for throwing sand in the girl's hair. That was a lot of fun to get out in the tub.....

We grabbed some KFC and headed to Payton's school to picnic and play. Since the weather turned out nice the kids played on the toys, in the sand, and on the bars for nearly 2 hours. I am loving my tiny, pocket size camera! I pulled it out and snapped some photos (sorry...they aren't the best quality!) I thought I would share!

Friday, May 23, 2008

More Utah Weekend Pics.....

Here's Emily.....still in character!
Molly and Emily......always having fun!
Such posers!
We stopped and saw Trish on the way home. Her kids are so cute. Aren't her flowers gorgeous?
Grandma and Grandpa survived a weekend with our wild monkeys!

Here's some more fun photos! I hope everyone is geared up for a nice holiday weekend. The weather is overcast and cool here. We plan to just stay home and get some things done. I know, we're terribly boring. Owen has a cold though and isn't feeling well, so going anywhere wouldn't be a lot of fun. I do plan to take my girl's to a matinee tomorrow. Does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone seen College Road Trip with Raven? Let me know. Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Schmem...Our Nun

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Emily...............

Emily did a great job the other night in her play! Thanks so much for getting our tickets Em...it was so much fun and you are one talented, funny, cute, lil' Nun! Your voice.......is incredible...forget about guitar lessons...give me some voice tips....just enough to not scare off the person in front of me at church!

I love you Emily...I am so so glad to have you as my friend!!!!!

Ode to Books

Hey girls! Although I don't really have anything new and exciting to write about, I was inspired by Angie's email and thought I should post something.

I was looking at the blog and at the list of books you posted and thought about how much I love books. During my many years of travel (when I was so terrible about keeping in touch with all of you), I spent so much time alone without friends and family nearby. Books were my companion. The sat next to me on planes, rode with me in taxis, made my hotel rooms not so lonely and occasionally caught some rays with me on far off beaches. Books were true, blue, loyal friends and I love them!

We do have a lot of favorites in common. I'm excited to pick up some of them that I haven't read yet.

Some of my favorites that weren't on the list:
East of Eden- John Steinbeck
Angle of Repose- Wallace Stegner
The Alchemist- Paulo Coehlo
The Good Earth- Pearl Buck
The World is Flat- Thomas Friedman
The Chronicles of Narnia- C.S. Lewis
Mere Christianity- C.S. Lewis
The Tipping Point- Malcom Gladwell
Pride & Prejudice- Jane Austen
The Giving Tree- Shel Silverstein
Bonds that Make us Free- Terry Warner

So, have you guys finished The Pillars of the Earth? It's next on my list!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Logan Ladies Re-unite!!!!!!

Hello ladies,

A week from today we'll be together! I am so excited for our big race and to see Emily in all her glory!!! We'll have some fun pics. to add to the blog afterwards! Let's be in touch this week to finalize plans for Friday and Saturday! Steph, you will be severely missed! We hope you'll have fun at your wedding.

Love you guys,


Thursday, May 1, 2008

17 days and counting...

Kristi and Ang- How's the training? I feel like I'm running out of time to get to where I want to be. I had a crappy run yesterday that kind of discouraged me. It was supposed to be a 55 minute tempo run where I gradually get faster and faster and then slow down the last part but my legs were so tired and just didn't want to go. I had been feeling pretty good too! Nothing like a little humble pie right? What are you guys running for your long run Saturday? I think it will be a great race and it will be so fun to just hang out for a couple of days. I'm really excited to see your play Emily. Steph will you be around?
So Ang I'm having a problem with my blog. How do I move pictures once they're on my post. They just go to the top of the post and I can't move them down to mix in with my text. I've spent so many stinkin hours trying to do one post. I'm really frustrated with it. I can't seem to highlight the photo to paste it anywhere else.
Take care!